Furnace Tune-Up & Maintenance

#1 Furnace Tune-Up & Maintenance Team

  • You need reliable heat when it's cold.

  • Your furnace needs maintenance.

  • You both will love Better Air NW!

10 Furnace Maintenance Musts:

Maintaining your furnace is crucial for its efficiency, longevity, and safety. Here are ten furnace maintenance musts:

1. **Regular Filter Replacement**: Replace the furnace filter every 1-3 months, or as recommended by the manufacturer. A clean filter ensures proper airflow and prevents dust and debris from accumulating in the system.

2. **Clean Air Vents and Registers**: Ensure that air vents and registers are free from obstructions such as furniture, curtains, or rugs. Vacuum them periodically to remove dust and debris that can restrict airflow.

3. **Inspect and Clean the Blower Assembly**: Turn off power to the furnace and carefully remove the blower door. Use a vacuum and a soft brush to clean the blower blades, motor, and housing. Ensure there are no obstructions that could affect airflow.

4. **Check the Thermostat**: Test the thermostat to ensure it is functioning correctly. Replace batteries if necessary and consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat for improved energy efficiency.

5. **Inspect and Clean the Flue and Venting System**: Check the flue pipe and venting system for any signs of damage, corrosion, or blockages. Clear away any debris or obstructions that could impede proper ventilation.

6. **Inspect and Lubricate Moving Parts**: Check belts, pulleys, and other moving parts for signs of wear and tear. Lubricate them according to the manufacturer's instructions to reduce friction and extend the lifespan of the components.

7. **Inspect the Heat Exchanger**: Carefully inspect the heat exchanger for any cracks, corrosion, or signs of damage. A damaged heat exchanger can lead to carbon monoxide leaks, so it's essential to address any issues promptly.

8. **Check Gas Connections and Burners**: Inspect the gas connections and burner assembly for any signs of leaks, corrosion, or blockages. Ensure that the burners are clean and properly aligned for efficient combustion.

9. **Test the Safety Controls**: Test the furnace's safety controls, including limit switches, pressure switches, and flame sensors, to ensure they are functioning correctly. Replace any faulty components as needed to maintain safe operation.

10. **Schedule Professional Maintenance**: Finally, schedule an annual furnace inspection and tune-up with a qualified HVAC technician. A professional can perform a thorough inspection, clean and adjust components, and identify any potential issues before they escalate into major problems.

By following these ten furnace maintenance musts, you can ensure that your furnace operates safely, efficiently, and reliably throughout the heating season.

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